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\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tGenève\n \t\t\tla Joie de lire\n \t\t\tDL 2022\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t1 vol. (80 p.)\n \t\t\till. en coul.\n \t\t\t19 cm\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tHibouk\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t42631233\n \t\t\tHibouk\n \t\t\t2022\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t16198299\n \t\t\tISNI0000000367855866\n \t\t\t.0..b.....\n \t\t\tBoisson\n \t\t\tHélène\n \t\t\t0680\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tJnRoman\n \t\t\tJAg0999\n \t\t\tAviC5\n \t\t\tLorsque le paon Peacock l'engage dans sa boutique de perles, une petite poule grise réalise son rêve: créer de fabuleux bijoux. Un soir, elle découvre une perle abandonnée sur le sol. Sans réfléchir, elle s'en empare. Un premier vol qui en entraînera d'autres pour se coudre un habit perlé. La jeune apprentie, entraînée par sa convoitise, réussira-t-elle à réparer ses erreurs avant qu'il ne soit trop tard? Avec son anti-héroïne si attachante, cette fable du dessinateur du célèbre Gruffalo ne manque pas d'humour et accompagnera à merveille les enfants dans leur lecture autonome. \n \t\t\t20230101\n \t\t\tABE\n \t\t\t1RLPE\n \t\t\t328\n \t\t\n """ ] "newCollectId" => array:1 [ 0 => "42631233" ] "newCollecLabel" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hibouk" ] ] ] "identifier" => "ca2d53e6-c9a1-4dab-9b8a-c5e9132a7fdc" "workSpace" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "32ac4a6f-d678-4278-8f41-88a89cd95335" "label" => "0-Espace par défaut" ] "lastUpdatedDate#date" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.393334" "entityType" => "manifestations" "_lastModifiedBy" => "ykilberger" "workflowStep" => array:3 [ "identifier" => "049e117c-cb17-45cf-b073-0126ed952077" "label" => "validé définitif" "terminal" => true ] "carrierType" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "9cce0e63-d2a9-4b51-a437-197cd0e5d077#2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "terms" => 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"2023-02-20T13:29:45.028" "parentEntity" => "d8ef5177-ca99-47e3-8cb2-1546b7579bc0" "_createdBy" => "monteixj" "states" => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "4953e3b2-8d72-448c-8f79-309d54ec48c4" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] 1 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "21a1fee1-087a-4973-a62e-542d8a44d6d7" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] ] "languageOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "CONCEPT-fr#39d16fda-934b-4b06-915e-fcac1c2bfb3b" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "39d16fda-934b-4b06-915e-fcac1c2bfb3b" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "cbf5a36a-28b5-4b08-976b-aa81ad0e8fb6" "templateExpression" => "Langue de l'expression" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "CONCEPT-fr" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:2 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "TERM-fr_fr" "templateExpression" => "Français" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 1 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "85d8a28f-d115-4c7a-8a9d-64d11dc14a57" "templateExpression" => 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Un soir, elle trouve une perle abandonnée et s'en empare. Très vite, ce premier vol en entraîne d'autres. Un jour, elle dérobe la couronne du prince. A son réveil, Peacock alerte la police, croyant à un cambriolage. La poule tente alors de réparer ses erreurs. Premier roman. ©Electre 2023" ] "entityState" => "VALIDATED" "_lastUpdatedDate" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.196323" "_lastUpdatedBy" => "xguillot" "_lastModifiedDate" => "2024-08-28T20:46:47.972" "identifier" => "ee4b2a89-4695-40ed-8acc-bc1efb9c2673" "workSpace" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "32ac4a6f-d678-4278-8f41-88a89cd95335" "label" => "0-Espace par défaut" ] "contentTypeOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "84d25caa-4ac4-4f52-b02c-63b7a1e93652#7fca9e19-eeef-4213-aa7d-d1e8970a6c25" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "7fca9e19-eeef-4213-aa7d-d1e8970a6c25" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "3a8c04a8-d8af-41ae-bc50-43effa1ff52a" "templateExpression" => "Type de contenu" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "84d25caa-4ac4-4f52-b02c-63b7a1e93652" "enPreferredTerm" => "texte" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "1de88a1a-7f90-403a-acc0-7836a466170c" "templateExpression" => "texte" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "texte" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "texte" ] ] ] ] "lastUpdatedDate#date" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.196323" "entityType" => "expressions" "compositeLinkToContributorOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "linkToPersonOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "2695dc81-3229-4fd7-b37f-e69ef087f8b7#975aa678-d175-4068-8c0b-15905d67d27f" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "975aa678-d175-4068-8c0b-15905d67d27f" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "2d4043c8-4a36-40ec-9d97-6fffd0e2105d" "templateExpression" => "Traducteur" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "2695dc81-3229-4fd7-b37f-e69ef087f8b7" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:6 [ "identifier" => "7164b8b0-b1e5-4354-82e6-a0fa72c5d44a" "firstname" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hélène" ] "templateExpression" => "Boisson Hélène" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" "lastname" => array:1 [ 0 => "Boisson" ] ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Boisson Hélène" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Boisson Hélène" ] ] ] ] ] ] "_lastModifiedBy" => "system" "workflowStep" => array:3 [ "identifier" => "049e117c-cb17-45cf-b073-0126ed952077" "label" => "validé définitif" "terminal" => true ] "intendedAudienceOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "77248fb0-1bdb-45c1-9386-e884d6764235#42e6dd09-984d-414f-884d-d1502836eb28" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "42e6dd09-984d-414f-884d-d1502836eb28" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "1d440f59-7826-4651-bf82-69bedbd04a11" "templateExpression" => "Public" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "77248fb0-1bdb-45c1-9386-e884d6764235" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:3 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "de222faa-5b1a-48a8-b81f-051b238ffd54" "templateExpression" => "Adolescents (10-15 ans)" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 1 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "c2aa69cf-35d2-49c9-bfcf-fbe4781f1e65" "templateExpression" => "A partir de 9 ans" "isPreferredTerm" => false "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 2 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "60cbcd77-8de7-4d0a-b182-03c4c5d848a6" "templateExpression" => "A partir de 14 ans" "isPreferredTerm" => false "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Adolescents (10-15 ans)" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Adolescents (10-15 ans)" ] ] ] ] "framework" => array:4 [ "identifier" => "f4f85fa7-a659-4ec0-8c47-520a2778833a" "code" => "DOC" "name" => "Grille de catalogage" "type" => "CATALOGING" ] "entityRelation" => array:2 [ "parent" => "d8ef5177-ca99-47e3-8cb2-1546b7579bc0" "name" => "expressions" ] "suggestions" => [] "originalId" => "d23c099d23f0b91bb779de63ac23eca1" ] "manifestation" => array:36 [ "compositeOfPhysicalDescriptionOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "extent" => array:1 [ 0 => "1 vol. 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\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tGenève\n \t\t\tla Joie de lire\n \t\t\tDL 2022\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t1 vol. (80 p.)\n \t\t\till. en coul.\n \t\t\t19 cm\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tHibouk\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t42631233\n \t\t\tHibouk\n \t\t\t2022\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t16198299\n \t\t\tISNI0000000367855866\n \t\t\t.0..b.....\n \t\t\tBoisson\n \t\t\tHélène\n \t\t\t0680\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tJnRoman\n \t\t\tJAg0999\n \t\t\tAviC5\n \t\t\tLorsque le paon Peacock l'engage dans sa boutique de perles, une petite poule grise réalise son rêve: créer de fabuleux bijoux. Un soir, elle découvre une perle abandonnée sur le sol. Sans réfléchir, elle s'en empare. Un premier vol qui en entraînera d'autres pour se coudre un habit perlé. La jeune apprentie, entraînée par sa convoitise, réussira-t-elle à réparer ses erreurs avant qu'il ne soit trop tard? Avec son anti-héroïne si attachante, cette fable du dessinateur du célèbre Gruffalo ne manque pas d'humour et accompagnera à merveille les enfants dans leur lecture autonome. \n \t\t\t20230101\n \t\t\tABE\n \t\t\t1RLPE\n \t\t\t328\n \t\t\n """ ] "newCollectId" => array:1 [ 0 => "42631233" ] "newCollecLabel" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hibouk" ] ] ] "identifier" => "ca2d53e6-c9a1-4dab-9b8a-c5e9132a7fdc" "workSpace" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "32ac4a6f-d678-4278-8f41-88a89cd95335" "label" => "0-Espace par défaut" ] "lastUpdatedDate#date" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.393334" "entityType" => "manifestations" "_lastModifiedBy" => "ykilberger" "workflowStep" => array:3 [ "identifier" => "049e117c-cb17-45cf-b073-0126ed952077" "label" => "validé définitif" "terminal" => true ] "carrierType" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "9cce0e63-d2a9-4b51-a437-197cd0e5d077#2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "30938b8b-37f6-4322-8883-a191d2129e55" "templateExpression" => "Type de support matériel" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "9cce0e63-d2a9-4b51-a437-197cd0e5d077" "enPreferredTerm" => "volume" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "e39a2184-2fa2-4513-960f-83f8b1dc928e" "templateExpression" => "volume" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "volume" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "volume" ] ] ] ] "titleOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "La petite poule qui volait des perles" ] "mediaType" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "3e82935e-fc89-4284-9e5d-7fc36d6f9040#842ff788-7988-41a7-a123-6764186e3383" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "842ff788-7988-41a7-a123-6764186e3383" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "9fab2718-692b-4f31-8788-96a32edd42ee" "templateExpression" => "Type de médiation" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "3e82935e-fc89-4284-9e5d-7fc36d6f9040" "enPreferredTerm" => "sans médiation" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "5aeb68ee-288e-4167-8227-0d1fc9ad0095" "templateExpression" => "sans médiation" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "sans médiation" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "sans médiation" ] ] ] ] "framework" => array:4 [ "identifier" => "f4f85fa7-a659-4ec0-8c47-520a2778833a" "code" => "DOC" "name" => "Grille de catalogage" "type" => "CATALOGING" ] "entityRelation" => array:2 [ "parent" => "ee4b2a89-4695-40ed-8acc-bc1efb9c2673" "name" => "manifestations" ] "updatable" => true "suggestions" => array:1 [ 0 => "La petite poule qui volait des perles" ] "fontSize" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "872ae98b-59aa-4518-8519-c9f623f587f1#974feef4-65ca-4585-bdd3-a681a67cefd9" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "974feef4-65ca-4585-bdd3-a681a67cefd9" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "7ac5dc76-4dd5-4bd4-be9a-d28199f01358" "templateExpression" => "Taille des caractères" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:5 [ "identifier" => "872ae98b-59aa-4518-8519-c9f623f587f1" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "5dcd84ec-c1ad-4415-ba9f-3b035ae12da9" "templateExpression" => "Caractères normaux" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr-fr" ] ] "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Caractères normaux" ] ] ] ] "originalId" => "d23c099d23f0b91bb779de63ac23eca1" "priceOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "10,90 EUR" ] "_dateOfPublicationOfManifestation" => "2022-01-01" ] "exemplaires" => [] "template_notice" => """ {{dump()}}\n \n <div class="opac template_notice">\n {% set work = element.work %}\n {% set workId = work.identifier %}\n {% set frameworkId = work.framework.identifier %}\n \t\n \t{# TITRE NOTICE #}\n \t<div class ="notice_titre">\n \t\t{% set titreExpression = property_values(element.expression, "titleOfExpression") %}\n \t\t{% if titreExpression|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t{{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"titleOfExpression"}) }}\n \t\t{% else %}\n \t\t\t{{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"titleOfWork"}) }}\n \t\t\t{% set complementTitre = property_values(element.work, "complementTitreOeuvre") %}\n \t\t\t{% if complementTitre|length > 0 and complementTitre[0]|lower == "roman" %}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"complementTitreOeuvre"}) }}\n \t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t{% set titrePartie = property_values(element.work, "titrePartieOeuvre") %}\n \t\t\t{% if titrePartie|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t-\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"titrePartieOeuvre"}) }}\n \t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t{% endif %}\n \t</div>\n \t\n \t{# AUTEUR NOTICE #}\n \t<div class ="notice_auteur text-underline">\n \t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, noLabel:true, linkNumber:"2"}) }}\n \t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToCorporateBodyOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, noLabel:true, linkNumber:"2"}) }}\n \t</div>\n \t\n \t<div class="notice_content responsive-flex-row-to-col">\n \t\t{% if element.manifestation %}\n \t\t\t<div class="notice_left display-flex-col row-gap-0-5">\n \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# VIGNETTE NOTICE #}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('cover_block', {entityId:element.manifestation.identifier, entityType:"manifestation", class:"vignette_notice"}) }}\n \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# TYPE D'OEUVRE #}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"newTypeOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, noLabel:true, tooltipEnable:false, class:"titre_entite"}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.manifestation, property:"localCarrierType", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, noLabel:true, tooltipEnable:false, class:"titre_entite"}) }}\n \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# TAGS #}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('novelty_block', { work:work, class:'search_result_novelty' }) }}\n \n \t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t<div class="notice_right flex-1 display-flex-col row-gap-1">\n \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# RESUME NOTICE #}\n \t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.expression, "summarizationOfContent")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"summarizationOfContent", type:"html"}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# MANIFESTATIONS #}\n \t\t\t\t<div class="manifestations">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\t{# MANIFESTATION SELECTIONNEE #}\n \t\t\t\t\t<div class="manifestation">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% set manifestation = element.document.manifestation %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% set exemplaires = pool_items(element.document.items) %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% include(template_from_string(element.template_manifestation)) %}\n \t\t\t\t\t</div>\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\t{# AUTRES MANIFESTATIONS #}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% if element.documentsOfManifestations|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="autres_manifestations">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><b> Autres formats et éditions </b></p>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class="display-flex-col row-gap-1">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set maxNb = 2 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set break = false %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% for document in element.documentsOfManifestations if not break %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set manifestation = document.manifestation %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set exemplaires = pool_items(document.items) %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if loop.index - 1 < maxNb %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ include(template_from_string(element.template_manifestation)) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% else %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set break = true %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div><a class="use-ajax" href="/show-more-manifestations-dialog/{{workId}}?expressionId={{expressionId}}&frameworkId={{frameworkId}}&size=12&title=Tous les formats et éditions"> Afficher tous les formats et éditions (+{{element.totalManifestations - maxNb - 1}}) > </a></div>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endfor %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# AUTRES EXPRESSIONS #}\t\n \t\t\t\t{% if element.documentsOfExpressions|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t<div class="autres_expressions">\n <p><b> Autres versions </b></p>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class="display-flex col-gap-1">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set maxNb = 2 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set break = false %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% for documents in element.documentsOfExpressions if not break %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set expression = documents[0].expression %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if loop.index - 1 < maxNb %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set opacUrl = "/opac?workId="~workId~"&expressionId="~expression.identifier %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li class="flex-0-5"><a href="{{opacUrl}}"><div class="opac_linked_card">{{ include(template_from_string(element.template_expression)) }}</div></a></li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% else %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% set break = true %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div><a class="use-ajax" href="/show-more-expressions-dialog/{{workId}}?frameworkId={{frameworkId}}&size=12&title=Toutes les versions"> Afficher toutes les versions (+{{element.totalExpressions - maxNb}}) ></a></div>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% endfor %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\n \t\t\t\t\t</div> \n \t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \n \t\t\t\t{{dump(element.work)}}\n \t\t\t\t{{dump(element.expression)}}\n \t\t\t\t{{dump(element.manifestation)}}\n \t\t\n \t\t\t\t{# ACCORDEON INFOS MANIFESTATION#}\n \t\t\t\t<div class="syrtis-accordion accordion_generic notice_accordion notice_accordion_infos">\n \t\t\t\t\t<div class="accordion_generic_section active"> Infos complémentaires </div>\n \t\t\t\t\t<div class="accordion_generic_panel active">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="accordion_generic_panel_container">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class="display-flex opac_responsive_4_columns">\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.work, "originalLanguageOfWork")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"originalLanguageOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.work, "compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:true, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.work, "linkToCorporateBodyOfWork")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"linkToCorporateBodyOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.expression, "linkToPersonOfExpression")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"linkToPersonOfExpression", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.expression, "linkToCorporateBodyOfExpression")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"linkToCorporateBodyOfExpression", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.manifestation, "linkToContributorPersonToManifestation")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.manifestation, property:"linkToContributorPersonToManifestation", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.manifestation, "linkToContributorCOrporateBodyToManifestation")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.manifestation, property:"linkToContributorCOrporateBodyToManifestation", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.expression, "intendedAudienceOfExpression")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"intendedAudienceOfExpression", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.expression, "languageOfExpression")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"languageOfExpression", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.expression, "duration")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:element.expression, property:"duration", propertyLabel:"Durée", class:"display-flex-col" }) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.manifestation, "compositeOfPhysicalDescriptionOfManifestation")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.manifestation, property:"compositeOfPhysicalDescriptionOfManifestation", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% if property_values(element.manifestation, "contentManifestation")|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<li>{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.manifestation, property:"contentManifestation", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}</li>\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t</ul>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n \t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\t</div>\t\n \t\t\t</div>\n \t\t{% else %}\n \t\t\t\n \t\t\t{# INFOS SERIE#}\n \n \t\t\t<div class="display-flex col-gap-1 row-gap-1 flex-wrap">\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:true, tooltipEnable:false}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:element.work, property:"compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork.linkToPersonOfWork", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, tooltipEnable:false}) }}\n \t\t\t</div>\n \t\t\t\n \t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\n \t</div>\n \t\n \t{# LIENS VERS LES PARTIES D'UNE SERIE #}\n \t{% if not manifestation %}\n \t\t{{ drupal_block('relation_block', {entityId: workId, entityType:"work", frameworkProperty:"linkToPartOfWork", sortFrameworkProperty:"numberingOfPart" }) }}\n \t{% endif %}\n \t\n \t{# BLOC OEUVRE LIEES #}\n \t{% if element.manifestation and element.search %}\n \t\t{{ drupal_block('search_results_block', {args: {blocks: [{type: "complete", title: "Oeuvres liées", linkall: "Voir toutes les oeuvres et adaptations" }]}}) }}\n \t{% endif %} """ "template_manifestation" => """ <div class="opac template_manifestation responsive-flex-row-to-col opac_section">\n \t<div class="template_manifestation_left display-flex flex-1 col-gap-1">\n \t\t\n \t\t{# VIGNETTE MANIFESTATION #}\n \t\t{{ drupal_block('cover_block', {entityId:manifestation.identifier, entityType:"manifestation", class:"mini_vignette"}) }}\n \t\t\n \t\t<div class="template_manifestation_center flex-1">\n \t\t\t{# TYPE DE SUPPORT #}\n \t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:manifestation, property:"localCarrierType", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, noLabel:true, tooltipEnable:false, class:"titre_entite"}) }}\n \t\t\t\n \t\t\t<div class="editeur display-flex col-gap-0-25">\n \t\t\t\t{# EDITEUR #}\n \t\t\t\t{% for publication in manifestation.compositeOfPublicationOfManifestation %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('link_disp_block', {entity:publication, property:"publisherCorporateBody", linkToSearch:"none", viewConceptLink:false, noLabel:true}) }}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% set collection = property_values(publication, "newCollecLabel") %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% if collection|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t- {{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:publication, property:"newCollecLabel"}) }}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% set dateOfPublication = property_values(publication, "dateOfPublication") %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% if dateOfPublication|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t- {{ drupal_block('disp_block', {entity:publication, property:"dateOfPublication"}) }}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t{% endfor %}\t\n \t\t\t</div>\n \n \t\t\t{# DISPONIBILITE MANIFESTATION #}\n \t\t\t{% set fournisseursNum = property_values(manifestation, "fournisseursrn") %}\n \t\t\t{{ fournisseursNum }}\n \t\t\t{% if not fournisseursNum %}\n \t\t\t\t{{ drupal_block('availability_block', {entity:manifestation, exemplaires: exemplaires}) }}\n \t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\n \t\t\t{# CONSULTER L'EXTRAIT #}\n \t\t\t{% set provider = manifestation['provider'] %}\n \t\t\t{% if not provider or provider == 'PNB' %}\n \t\t\t\t{% set extraits = property_values(manifestation, "compositeOfUrlOfManifestation") %}\n \t\t\t\t{% if extraits|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% set extraitUrls = property_values(extraits[0], "uniformResourceLocator") %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% set extraitTitles = property_values(extraits[0], "titleLinkOfUrlOfManifestation") %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% if extraitUrls|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% set extraitTitle = extraitTitles|length > 0 ? extraitTitles[0] : "Consulter l'extrait" %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="preview_link"><a class="button primary_button_transparent square_button" target="_blank" href="{{extraitUrls[0]}} "> {{extraitTitle|trans}} </a></div>\n \t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t{% else %}\n \t\t\t\t{% set extraits = property_values(manifestation, "compositeUrlenrichissementOfManifestation") %}\n \t\t\t\t{% if extraits|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% set extraitUrls = property_values(extraits[0], "urlOfEnrichissement") %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% set extraitTitles = property_values(extraits[0], "linkOfEnrichissementOfManifestation") %}\n \t\t\t\t\t{% if extraitUrls|length > 0 %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t{% set extraitTitle = extraitTitles|length > 0 ? extraitTitles[0] : "Consulter l'extrait" %}\n \t\t\t\t\t\t<div class="preview_link"><a class="button primary_button_transparent square_button" target="_blank" href="{{extraitUrls[0]}} "> {{extraitTitle|trans}} </a></div>\n \t\t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t\t{% endif %}\n \t\t\t{% endif %}\n \n \t\t</div>\n \t</div>\n \t<div class="template_manifestation_right align-content-center">\n \t\t{# BOUTON DE RESERVATION #}\n \t\t{{ drupal_block('reservation_block', {manifestation:manifestation, exemplaires:exemplaires, workId:workId, secondary:loop, serviceNumProperty:"compositeOfUrlOfManifestation", serviceNumUrl:"uniformResourceLocator", serviceNumTitle:"titleLinkOfUrlOfManifestation" }) }}\n \t</div>\n </div> """ "template_expression" => """ <div class="opac template_expression opac_section display-flex align-items-center col-gap-1 ">\n \n \t{# Récupération et affichage du de la vignette de l'œuvre de l'expression #}\n \t{{ drupal_block('cover_block', { entityId:expression.identifier, entityType:'expression', class:"mini_vignette" }) }}\n \n \t{# Récupération et affichage du type de support de l'expression #}\n \t{% set manifestations = documents|map(doc => doc.manifestation) %}\n \t{% set support_manifestation_values = entities_concept_property_string(manifestations, "localCarrierType") %}\n \t{% if support_manifestation_values|length > 0 %}\n \t\t<ul class="expression_supports">\n \t\t{% for support_manifestation_value in support_manifestation_values %}\n \t\t\t<li>{{support_manifestation_value}}</li>\n \t\t{% endfor %}\n \t\t</ul>\n \t{% endif %}\n </div> """ ] "theme_hook_original" => "syrtis_search_notice" "attributes" => Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute {#2066 #storage: [] } "title_attributes" => Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute {#2054 #storage: [] } "content_attributes" => Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute {#2053 #storage: [] } "title_prefix" => [] "title_suffix" => [] "db_is_active" => true "is_admin" => false "logged_in" => false "user" => Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxy {#2592 #account: Drupal\Core\Session\AnonymousUserSession {#228 #uid: 0 #roles: array:1 [ 0 => "anonymous" ] #access: null +name: "" #preferred_langcode: null #preferred_admin_langcode: null #mail: null #timezone: null } #id: 0 #eventDispatcher: Drupal\Component\EventDispatcher\ContainerAwareEventDispatcher {#28 …3} #_serviceIds: [] #_entityStorages: [] } "directory" => "themes/custom/default_theme" "theme_name" => "default_theme" "theme_hook_suggestions" => [] ]
La petite poule qui volait des perles
Scheffler Axel - 1957-....
Le paon Peacock engage une petite poule grise dans sa boutique de perles pour créer des bijoux. Un soir, elle trouve une perle abandonnée et s'en empare. Très vite, ce premier vol en entraîne d'autres. Un jour, elle dérobe la couronne du prince. A son réveil, Peacock alerte la police, croyant à un cambriolage. La poule tente alors de réparer ses erreurs. Premier roman. ©Electre 2023
^ array:28 [ "syrtisLocalIdentifier" => "67424821" "templateExpression" => "La petite poule qui volait des perles (Littérature), Scheffler Axel - 1957-...." "originalTitleOfWork" => array:1 [ 0 => "Die Perlendiebin" ] "_createdDate" => "2023-02-20T13:29:45.027" "_createdBy" => "monteixj" "states" => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "4953e3b2-8d72-448c-8f79-309d54ec48c4" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] 1 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "21a1fee1-087a-4973-a62e-542d8a44d6d7" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] ] "_dateOfPublicationOfWork" => "2022-01-01" "entityState" => "VALIDATED" "_lastUpdatedDate" => "2023-09-16T22:57:19.956469" "_lastUpdatedBy" => "xguillot" "_lastModifiedDate" => "2024-08-28T20:39:41.875" "newGenreForme" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "libelleNewGenreForme" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "54a57e15-a452-4a1f-bd97-3f4fc23ad234#93e24932-d6dd-4a71-845a-06631b9c6666" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "93e24932-d6dd-4a71-845a-06631b9c6666" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "064d9118-0d63-4560-909b-7b1045ff690b" "templateExpression" => "Genre ou forme" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "54a57e15-a452-4a1f-bd97-3f4fc23ad234" "enPreferredTerm" => "Romans" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "6e5eb2df-5521-4e7a-9414-38b1122c06c7" "templateExpression" => "Romans" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Romans" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Romans" ] ] ] ] ] ] "identifier" => "d8ef5177-ca99-47e3-8cb2-1546b7579bc0" "workSpace" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "32ac4a6f-d678-4278-8f41-88a89cd95335" "label" => "0-Espace par défaut" ] "intendedAudience" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "4418a2c4-1b06-498b-b898-b434db224377#42e6dd09-984d-414f-884d-d1502836eb28" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "42e6dd09-984d-414f-884d-d1502836eb28" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "1d440f59-7826-4651-bf82-69bedbd04a11" "templateExpression" => "Public" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "4418a2c4-1b06-498b-b898-b434db224377" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:2 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "8a88c15e-38e3-4f74-b898-ec9691fbf5ab" "templateExpression" => "Jeunesse" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 1 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "3615309c-3007-4263-9dc1-fe47dfad60f0" "templateExpression" => "jeunes" "isPreferredTerm" => false "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Jeunesse" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Jeunesse" ] ] ] ] "lastUpdatedDate#date" => "2023-09-16T22:57:19.956469" "compositeLinkToCreatorOfWork" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "linkToPersonOfWork" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "cf47d86f-927d-4715-958f-31ff73f2d3ee#70d4a70d-121a-425a-b0f8-45467ea5cba4" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "70d4a70d-121a-425a-b0f8-45467ea5cba4" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "8f20763d-58f9-42dd-aaf1-91041a0b354d" "templateExpression" => "Auteur" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "cf47d86f-927d-4715-958f-31ff73f2d3ee" "enPreferredTerm" => "Scheffler Axel" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:2 [ 0 => array:7 [ "identifier" => "40c32aeb-3360-4f01-a50d-5a0d4621f01a" "firstname" => array:1 [ 0 => "Axel" ] "templateExpression" => "Scheffler Axel - 1957-...." 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"type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:2 [ 0 => "Scheffler Axel - 1957-...." 1 => "Scheffler Axel" ] ] ] ] ] ] "entityType" => "work" "_lastModifiedBy" => "system" "workflowStep" => array:3 [ "identifier" => "049e117c-cb17-45cf-b073-0126ed952077" "label" => "validé définitif" "terminal" => true ] "titleOfWork" => array:1 [ 0 => "La petite poule qui volait des perles" ] "newTypeOfWork" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "3268977d-1cc0-4dde-8c0e-0893e80abf14#a2b4402d-c3e3-466c-b2a0-da26781f2914" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "a2b4402d-c3e3-466c-b2a0-da26781f2914" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "23bc7669-eac6-40ad-aa85-8ec1d9b99fbf" "templateExpression" => "Est le type d'oeuvre de" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "3268977d-1cc0-4dde-8c0e-0893e80abf14" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "8bc41727-1eb2-45e6-8f1a-fcda137bdacf" "templateExpression" => "Littérature" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Littérature" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Littérature" ] ] ] ] "framework" => array:4 [ "identifier" => "f4f85fa7-a659-4ec0-8c47-520a2778833a" "code" => "DOC" "name" => "Grille de catalogage" "type" => "CATALOGING" ] "novelties" => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "a72aa11c-ada8-4be5-b2fc-cdb61fd88b2a" "newDate" => "2023-03-27" ] 1 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "4953e3b2-8d72-448c-8f79-309d54ec48c4" "newDate" => "2023-01-01" ] ] "entityRelation" => "work" "originalLanguageOfWork" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "df504881-b6a3-4953-97a2-9b6b6677eaff#1741f025-4765-4e4c-be20-3ef19c2b516c" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "1741f025-4765-4e4c-be20-3ef19c2b516c" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "683f5838-1b7d-4938-833d-6da521d69a5d" "templateExpression" => "Langue originale" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "df504881-b6a3-4953-97a2-9b6b6677eaff" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "1985df25-9125-46ac-aa71-0a6d097a0853" "templateExpression" => "germaniques, langues" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "germaniques, langues" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "germaniques, langues" ] ] ] ] "suggestions" => array:2 [ 0 => "La petite poule qui volait des perles" 1 => "Die Perlendiebin" ] "originalId" => "d23c099d23f0b91bb779de63ac23eca1" ]
^ array:25 [ "syrtisLocalIdentifier" => "67424822" "templateExpression" => "La petite poule qui volait des perles [texte]" "_createdDate" => "2023-02-20T13:29:45.028" "parentEntity" => "d8ef5177-ca99-47e3-8cb2-1546b7579bc0" "_createdBy" => "monteixj" "states" => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "4953e3b2-8d72-448c-8f79-309d54ec48c4" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] 1 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "21a1fee1-087a-4973-a62e-542d8a44d6d7" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] ] "languageOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "CONCEPT-fr#39d16fda-934b-4b06-915e-fcac1c2bfb3b" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "39d16fda-934b-4b06-915e-fcac1c2bfb3b" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "cbf5a36a-28b5-4b08-976b-aa81ad0e8fb6" "templateExpression" => "Langue de l'expression" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "CONCEPT-fr" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:2 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "TERM-fr_fr" "templateExpression" => "Français" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 1 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "85d8a28f-d115-4c7a-8a9d-64d11dc14a57" "templateExpression" => "french" "isPreferredTerm" => false "lang" => "CONCEPT-en" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Français" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Français" ] ] ] ] "summarizationOfContent" => array:1 [ 0 => "Le paon Peacock engage une petite poule grise dans sa boutique de perles pour créer des bijoux. Un soir, elle trouve une perle abandonnée et s'en empare. Très vite, ce premier vol en entraîne d'autres. Un jour, elle dérobe la couronne du prince. A son réveil, Peacock alerte la police, croyant à un cambriolage. La poule tente alors de réparer ses erreurs. Premier roman. ©Electre 2023" ] "entityState" => "VALIDATED" "_lastUpdatedDate" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.196323" "_lastUpdatedBy" => "xguillot" "_lastModifiedDate" => "2024-08-28T20:46:47.972" "identifier" => "ee4b2a89-4695-40ed-8acc-bc1efb9c2673" "workSpace" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "32ac4a6f-d678-4278-8f41-88a89cd95335" "label" => "0-Espace par défaut" ] "contentTypeOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "84d25caa-4ac4-4f52-b02c-63b7a1e93652#7fca9e19-eeef-4213-aa7d-d1e8970a6c25" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "7fca9e19-eeef-4213-aa7d-d1e8970a6c25" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "3a8c04a8-d8af-41ae-bc50-43effa1ff52a" "templateExpression" => "Type de contenu" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "84d25caa-4ac4-4f52-b02c-63b7a1e93652" "enPreferredTerm" => "texte" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "1de88a1a-7f90-403a-acc0-7836a466170c" "templateExpression" => "texte" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "texte" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "texte" ] ] ] ] "lastUpdatedDate#date" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.196323" "entityType" => "expressions" "compositeLinkToContributorOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "linkToPersonOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "2695dc81-3229-4fd7-b37f-e69ef087f8b7#975aa678-d175-4068-8c0b-15905d67d27f" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "975aa678-d175-4068-8c0b-15905d67d27f" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "2d4043c8-4a36-40ec-9d97-6fffd0e2105d" "templateExpression" => "Traducteur" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "2695dc81-3229-4fd7-b37f-e69ef087f8b7" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:6 [ "identifier" => "7164b8b0-b1e5-4354-82e6-a0fa72c5d44a" "firstname" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hélène" ] "templateExpression" => "Boisson Hélène" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" "lastname" => array:1 [ 0 => "Boisson" ] ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Boisson Hélène" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Boisson Hélène" ] ] ] ] ] ] "_lastModifiedBy" => "system" "workflowStep" => array:3 [ "identifier" => "049e117c-cb17-45cf-b073-0126ed952077" "label" => "validé définitif" "terminal" => true ] "intendedAudienceOfExpression" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "77248fb0-1bdb-45c1-9386-e884d6764235#42e6dd09-984d-414f-884d-d1502836eb28" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "42e6dd09-984d-414f-884d-d1502836eb28" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "1d440f59-7826-4651-bf82-69bedbd04a11" "templateExpression" => "Public" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "77248fb0-1bdb-45c1-9386-e884d6764235" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:3 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "de222faa-5b1a-48a8-b81f-051b238ffd54" "templateExpression" => "Adolescents (10-15 ans)" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 1 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "c2aa69cf-35d2-49c9-bfcf-fbe4781f1e65" "templateExpression" => "A partir de 9 ans" "isPreferredTerm" => false "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] 2 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "60cbcd77-8de7-4d0a-b182-03c4c5d848a6" "templateExpression" => "A partir de 14 ans" "isPreferredTerm" => false "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Adolescents (10-15 ans)" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Adolescents (10-15 ans)" ] ] ] ] "framework" => array:4 [ "identifier" => "f4f85fa7-a659-4ec0-8c47-520a2778833a" "code" => "DOC" "name" => "Grille de catalogage" "type" => "CATALOGING" ] "entityRelation" => array:2 [ "parent" => "d8ef5177-ca99-47e3-8cb2-1546b7579bc0" "name" => "expressions" ] "suggestions" => [] "originalId" => "d23c099d23f0b91bb779de63ac23eca1" ]
^ array:36 [ "compositeOfPhysicalDescriptionOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "extent" => array:1 [ 0 => "1 vol. (80 p.)" ] "dimensions" => array:1 [ 0 => "19 cm" ] ] ] "syrtisLocalIdentifier" => "67424823" "templateExpression" => "La petite poule qui volait des perles 2022 Format : Livre" "hasBasketLines" => array:1 [ 0 => "a72aa11c-ada8-4be5-b2fc-cdb61fd88b2a" ] "compositeOfExternalIdentifierOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "arkBnfOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb47085749k" ] "eanOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "9782889086016" ] "isbnOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "978-2-88908-601-6" ] ] ] "_createdDate" => "2023-02-20T13:29:45.028" "parentEntity" => "ee4b2a89-4695-40ed-8acc-bc1efb9c2673" "valideMD" => array:1 [ 0 => "non" ] "localCarrierType" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "ed18e0c6-bc07-474d-be29-0b51c748d8cb#2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "30938b8b-37f6-4322-8883-a191d2129e55" "templateExpression" => "Type de support matériel" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "ed18e0c6-bc07-474d-be29-0b51c748d8cb" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "5ba9a51e-953d-47b2-8e57-98a7eefd6734" "templateExpression" => "Livre" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Livre" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Livre" ] ] ] ] "_createdBy" => "monteixj" "compositeOfPublicationOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "dateOfPublication#date" => array:1 [ 0 => "2022-01-01" ] "publisherCorporateBody" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "d954ec6d-5bf3-423a-99f4-9196c3aeeec2#7a349067-68ad-46cb-9076-95c953258b23" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "7a349067-68ad-46cb-9076-95c953258b23" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "16945608-5dad-4929-85a5-fd8036f66152" "templateExpression" => "Editeur" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "d954ec6d-5bf3-423a-99f4-9196c3aeeec2" "enPreferredTerm" => "La Joie de lire" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:2 [ 0 => array:5 [ "identifier" => "6dac7821-89bf-4814-bc5d-4edcd4efe8c5" "localisationCollectivity" => array:2 [ 0 => "Genéve" 1 => "Genève (Suisse)" ] "templateExpression" => "La Joie de lire" "name" => array:1 [ 0 => "La Joie de lire" ] "isPreferredTerm" => true ] 1 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "1adec23a-d3f2-472e-8b9a-0c21d08fbfe7" "templateExpression" => "Editions la joie de lire" "name" => array:1 [ 0 => "Editions la joie de lire" ] "isPreferredTerm" => false ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "La Joie de lire" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "La Joie de lire" ] ] ] ] "dateOfPublication" => array:1 [ 0 => "2022" ] ] ] "newsegment" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "ba097f8c-9008-4f94-9fda-33851dc5e87d#e9a4ba9f-849c-4a52-90d5-bccd7ef148fb" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "e9a4ba9f-849c-4a52-90d5-bccd7ef148fb" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "fdef74bb-d595-495d-8f13-9a69ba87bc1e" "templateExpression" => "Segment" ] ] ] "entity" => array:6 [ "identifier" => "ba097f8c-9008-4f94-9fda-33851dc5e87d" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "346fc5ac-8411-44fb-9725-b9374bb9cc38" "templateExpression" => "Romans jeunesse" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "Romans jeunesse" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Romans jeunesse" ] ] ] ] "states" => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "4953e3b2-8d72-448c-8f79-309d54ec48c4" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] 1 => array:2 [ "poolId" => "21a1fee1-087a-4973-a62e-542d8a44d6d7" "poolState" => "AVAILABLE" ] ] "_support" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "ed18e0c6-bc07-474d-be29-0b51c748d8cb" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "5ba9a51e-953d-47b2-8e57-98a7eefd6734" "templateExpression" => "Livre" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entityState" => "VALIDATED" "_lastUpdatedDate" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.393334" "_lastUpdatedBy" => "system" "_lastModifiedDate" => "2024-09-12T10:49:26.407" "newCollect" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "newColOrig" => array:1 [ 0 => """ \n \t\t31/05/2023\n \t\tRomans\n \t\tLittérature\n \t\tFRBNF470857490000008\n \t\thttp://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb47085749k\n \t\t220823s\2022\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\chfre\\\\\b\\001\\n \t\ta\\f\\\j\\\\\\\\\\\\n \t\t\n \t\t\t978-2-88908-601-6\n \t\t\tbr.\n \t\t\t10,90 EUR\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t9782889086016\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tfre\n \t\t\tger\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\ttxt\n \t\t\tn\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t12181290\n \t\t\tISNI0000000116806904\n \t\t\t.0..b.....\n \t\t\tScheffler\n \t\t\tAxel\n \t\t\t1957-....\n \t\t\t0070\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tDie Perlendiebin\n \t\t\tfrançais\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tLa petite poule qui volait des perles\n \t\t\tTexte imprimé\n \t\t\tAxel Scheffler\n \t\t\ttraduit de l'allemand par Hélène Boisson\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tGenève\n \t\t\tla Joie de lire\n \t\t\tDL 2022\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t1 vol. (80 p.)\n \t\t\till. en coul.\n \t\t\t19 cm\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tHibouk\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t42631233\n \t\t\tHibouk\n \t\t\t2022\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\t16198299\n \t\t\tISNI0000000367855866\n \t\t\t.0..b.....\n \t\t\tBoisson\n \t\t\tHélène\n \t\t\t0680\n \t\t\n \t\t\n \t\t\tJnRoman\n \t\t\tJAg0999\n \t\t\tAviC5\n \t\t\tLorsque le paon Peacock l'engage dans sa boutique de perles, une petite poule grise réalise son rêve: créer de fabuleux bijoux. Un soir, elle découvre une perle abandonnée sur le sol. Sans réfléchir, elle s'en empare. Un premier vol qui en entraînera d'autres pour se coudre un habit perlé. La jeune apprentie, entraînée par sa convoitise, réussira-t-elle à réparer ses erreurs avant qu'il ne soit trop tard? Avec son anti-héroïne si attachante, cette fable du dessinateur du célèbre Gruffalo ne manque pas d'humour et accompagnera à merveille les enfants dans leur lecture autonome. \n \t\t\t20230101\n \t\t\tABE\n \t\t\t1RLPE\n \t\t\t328\n \t\t\n """ ] "newCollectId" => array:1 [ 0 => "42631233" ] "newCollecLabel" => array:1 [ 0 => "Hibouk" ] ] ] "identifier" => "ca2d53e6-c9a1-4dab-9b8a-c5e9132a7fdc" "workSpace" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "32ac4a6f-d678-4278-8f41-88a89cd95335" "label" => "0-Espace par défaut" ] "lastUpdatedDate#date" => "2023-09-16T22:57:20.393334" "entityType" => "manifestations" "_lastModifiedBy" => "ykilberger" "workflowStep" => array:3 [ "identifier" => "049e117c-cb17-45cf-b073-0126ed952077" "label" => "validé définitif" "terminal" => true ] "carrierType" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "9cce0e63-d2a9-4b51-a437-197cd0e5d077#2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "2c960807-ac69-4303-a20c-0ba85401bd88" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "30938b8b-37f6-4322-8883-a191d2129e55" "templateExpression" => "Type de support matériel" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "9cce0e63-d2a9-4b51-a437-197cd0e5d077" "enPreferredTerm" => "volume" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "e39a2184-2fa2-4513-960f-83f8b1dc928e" "templateExpression" => "volume" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "volume" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "volume" ] ] ] ] "titleOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "La petite poule qui volait des perles" ] "mediaType" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "3e82935e-fc89-4284-9e5d-7fc36d6f9040#842ff788-7988-41a7-a123-6764186e3383" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "842ff788-7988-41a7-a123-6764186e3383" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ "identifier" => "9fab2718-692b-4f31-8788-96a32edd42ee" "templateExpression" => "Type de médiation" ] ] ] "entity" => array:7 [ "identifier" => "3e82935e-fc89-4284-9e5d-7fc36d6f9040" "enPreferredTerm" => "sans médiation" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "5aeb68ee-288e-4167-8227-0d1fc9ad0095" "templateExpression" => "sans médiation" "isPreferredTerm" => true ] ] "frPreferredTerm" => "sans médiation" "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "sans médiation" ] ] ] ] "framework" => array:4 [ "identifier" => "f4f85fa7-a659-4ec0-8c47-520a2778833a" "code" => "DOC" "name" => "Grille de catalogage" "type" => "CATALOGING" ] "entityRelation" => array:2 [ "parent" => "ee4b2a89-4695-40ed-8acc-bc1efb9c2673" "name" => "manifestations" ] "updatable" => true "suggestions" => array:1 [ 0 => "La petite poule qui volait des perles" ] "fontSize" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "entityWithQualif" => "872ae98b-59aa-4518-8519-c9f623f587f1#974feef4-65ca-4585-bdd3-a681a67cefd9" "qualif" => array:2 [ "identifier" => "974feef4-65ca-4585-bdd3-a681a67cefd9" "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:3 [ "identifier" => "7ac5dc76-4dd5-4bd4-be9a-d28199f01358" "templateExpression" => "Taille des caractères" "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr" ] ] ] "entity" => array:5 [ "identifier" => "872ae98b-59aa-4518-8519-c9f623f587f1" "templateExpression" => null "terms" => array:1 [ 0 => array:4 [ "identifier" => "5dcd84ec-c1ad-4415-ba9f-3b035ae12da9" "templateExpression" => "Caractères normaux" "isPreferredTerm" => true "lang" => "CONCEPT-fr-fr" ] ] "type" => "CONCEPT" "preferredTerms" => array:1 [ 0 => "Caractères normaux" ] ] ] ] "originalId" => "d23c099d23f0b91bb779de63ac23eca1" "priceOfManifestation" => array:1 [ 0 => "10,90 EUR" ] "_dateOfPublicationOfManifestation" => "2022-01-01" ]
Infos complémentaires
Langue originale :germaniques, langues
Auteur :
Public :A partir de 14 ans
Langue de l'expression :Français